Multi Door Refrigerators

Multi Door Refrigerator
Multi Door Refrigerator
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Discover Innovative Cooling Technologies with Toshiba’s Multi Door Refrigerators

When it comes to shopping for a new refrigerator, having convenient storage space to store all your food and beverages in a hygienic way is essential. You need to ensure the proper stocking of everything to preserve its freshness and taste.

Well, there is no need to keep looking, Toshiba is here to satisfy all your different needs with a diverse selection of multi-door refrigerators.

Now you can shop multi-door refrigerators in KSA, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. Enjoy a premium interior design consisting of three specially designed, independent compartments to enable the proper storage of your groceries, to provide your family with the fresh and tasty food they deserve.

This 3system technology allows Toshiba’s 4-door refrigerator to preserve taste and avoid cross-contamination by providing each compartment with the proper amount of cold air and allowing you as a user to control the temperature of each compartment separately.

The Convert Zone technology enables you to adjust the temperature in your multi door refrigerator and change it from Freeze mode (-18 C) to Normal Fridge mode (up to +7C), depending on your storing needs. Thanks to the dual inverter our multi door refrigerators feature precision and consistency in temperatures to give the ultimate cooling results.

Our multi-door refrigerator range also includes French door refrigerators encompassing technologies like temp-humi control,1+3 Convertible Mode, and dual Cooling. In addition to side by side refrigerators featuring technologies like 3 in 1 Auto Ice Maker, dual inverter, and Alloy Cooling.