1. Campaign Overview

The "RAYA GEMILANG" Campaign (the “Campaign”) is organized by Toshiba Sales and Services Sdn. Bhd. (the “Organiser”). Customers who purchase qualifying products from the eligible product range will be eligible to receive Touch 'n Go (TNG) eWallet credits.

2. Eligible Products

Only selected TOSHIBA products, clearly identified included in the table below and Campaign’s promotional materials, are eligible for rewards.

Refrigerators GR-RF695WI-PGY(67)                                       500
GR-RF690WI-PGY(67)                                       500
GR-RF665WIA-PGY(22)                                       200
GR-RF677WI-PGY(22)                                       150
GR-RF611WI-PGY(22)                                       100
GR-RF608WI-PMY(06)                                       100
GR-RS755WIA-PGY(22)                                       150
GR-RS780WI-PGY(22)                                       100
GR-RS780WI-PMY(06)                                       100
GR-RS696WI-PMY(06)                                       100
GR-RS600WI-PMY(37)                                       100
GR-RS602WI-PMY(49)                                       100
GR-RT835WE-PGY(GG)                                       100
GR-RT835WE-PGY(XK)                                       100
GR-RT835WE-PMY(58)                                         80
GR-RT735WE-PGY(XK)                                         80
GR-RT624WE-PMY(37)                                         50
GR-RT624WE-PMY(06)                                         50
GR-RT624WE-PGY(22)                                         50
GR-RT559WE-PMY(37)                                         50
GR-RT559WE-PMY(06)                                         50
Washers & Dryers AW-T08DUH2000QM(MG)                                       100
AW-T08DUH1800MM(MG)                                       100
AW-T08DU1600LM(MK)                                         50
AW-T08DU1400LM(MK)                                         50
AW-DUM1800MM(SG)                                         50
AW-DUM1600LM(SG)                                         50
AW-DG1700WM(SS)                                         50
AW-DUM1500LM(SG)                                         30
AW-DUM1400LM(SG)                                         30
TWD-T25BZU115MWM(MG)                                       150
TWD-T21BU115UWM(MG)                                       100
TWD-BM135GF4M(SK)                                       100
TWD-T21BU95UWM(MG)                                         70
TW-T25BZU105MWM(MG)                                       130
TW-T25BZU115MWM(MG)                                       100
TW-T21BU115UWM(MG)                                         50
TW-T21BU105UWM(MG)                                         50
TW-T37BZP115MWM(WT)                                       500
TD-T25BS110HWM(MG)                                       100
TD-BK110GHM(SK)                                       100
TD-BK100GHM(SK)                                         50
Small Home Appliances RC-18ISPMY                                         50
RC-10IRPMY                                         30
RC-18IX1TMY(N)                                         30
RC-10IX1TMY(N)                                         30
F-DSC80XMY(W)                                         30
Microwaves & Ovens MS5-STR30SFZ(BK)                                       150
MS3-STQ20SE(BK)                                       100
MW2-AC26TF(BK)                                         30
MW3-SAC24SF(BK)                                         30
ER-SGS34(K)MY                                         30
Diswashers DW-15F6(G)-MY                                       200
DW-14F2(BS)-MY                                       200
DW-14F1(S)-MY                                       150
DW-08T3(S)-MY                                       100
DW-08T1(S)-MY                                         50
Water Heaters TWH-45EMC1PMY(K)-RS                                         50
TWH-45EMCPMY(K)                                         50
TWH-45EMCPMY-S-RS                                         50
TWH-45MCPMY-S-WS                                         50
DSK38ES3MB-RS                                         30
TWH-38EXPMY(G)-RS                                         30
TWH-38MSPMY(K)-RS                                         30


3. Eligibility

The Campaign is open to all Malaysian residents aged 18 and above, excluding employees of the Organiser, their immediate family members, and any representatives, agencies, dealers, distributors or sub-distributors associated with the Organiser.

4. Campaign and Purchase Period

The Campaign period runs from 1 March 2025 at 00:00 to 30 April 2025 at 23:59.

5. Redemption Period

Redemption submissions will be accepted from 1 March 2025 at 00:00 to 10 May 2025 at 23:59. Submissions made after this period will not be eligible for rewards.

6. Right to Modify

The Organiser reserves the right to amend, extend, or terminate the Campaign at any time without prior notice.

Rewards Redemption

7. Purchase Requirements

Purchases must be made from authorized TOSHIBA dealers, either online or in-store, and must be reflected on a single invoice to qualify for rewards.

8. Proof of Purchase

Proof of purchase, including a valid invoice and a completed warranty card, must be submitted along with the redemption request. All eligible purchases must be included on a single invoice. If a submission is initially rejected, it may be resubmitted within the redemption period with complete and requested proof of purchase.

9. Submission Process

All redemption submissions must be completed via the Campaign Wesbite [http://toshiba-lifestyle.com/my/promotions/2025-Raya-Gemilang] by 10 May 2025.

10. Reward Availability

Rewards are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability. The Organiser reserves the right to substitute rewards with items of similar value if necessary.

11. Delivery Timeframe

Rewards will be delivered within 5-8 weeks under normal circumstances.

12. Submission Limits

Each participant is allowed only one redemption entry. Duplicate entries using the same proof of purchase will be disqualified.

13. Verification

The Organiser reserves the right to verify participant details before processing any rewards.

14. Contact Information

Participants must ensure that their contact information remains consistent to avoid issues in processing rewards. Changes to contact details after submission may result in disqualification without reimbursement.

15. Incomplete Submissions

Submissions missing required documentation, such as a valid invoice, completed warranty card, or any additional proof of purchase as requested, may be disqualified without prior notice.

Redemption Process Steps

  1. Step 1: Visit the Campaign Wesbite [http://toshiba-lifestyle.com/my/promotions/2025-Raya-Gemilang].

  2. Step 2: Complete the form with personal details, purchase information, and proof of purchase. Agree to the terms and conditions, then submit.

  3. Step 3: After verification, participants will be notified via email or WhatsApp. Participants may also check their submission status on the Campaign Wesbite [http://toshiba-lifestyle.com/my/promotions/2025-Raya-Gemilang]. Please note that submission updates are not in real-time; kindly check back after your submission has been verified.

Important Information

16. Notification and Forfeiture

Participants will be notified of successful redemption via phone or email. Failure to respond within the redemption period may result in forfeiture of the reward.

17. Final Submission Date

The last date for redemption submissions is 10 May 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.

18. Reward Availability

Rewards are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, while stocks last.

19. Touch 'n Go eWallet Credits

Participants must ensure that the mobile phone number provided in the redemption form remains active, valid, and unchanged until the TNG eWallet credits have been successfully credited. If the credits cannot be processed due to a change in the contact number or the provision of an incorrect number, the Organiser reserves the right to reject any appeal. In such cases, reimbursement of the eWallet credit will only be made to the original participant.


If the TNG eWallet credit fails due to issues such as a full wallet, an invalid account, or the account being unable to accept the reward, the Organiser reserves the right to reject any appeal. No reimbursement or alternative arrangements will be made in such cases.

20. Substitutions

The Organiser reserves the right to replace the designated reward with an alternative item of similar value if necessary, without prior notice.

21. Non-Transferability

Rewards are non-transferable and non-exchangeable and must be accepted as offered.

22. Disputes

In the event of any dispute, the Organiser's decision will be final, and no appeals will be entertained.

23. Fraud Prevention

The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant suspected of fraudulent activity related to the purchase of eligible products.

General Terms and Conditions

24. Ownership of Entries

All entries and associated documents become the property of the Organiser.

25. Disqualification Rights

The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify entries that appear to involve tampering or fraud.

26. Responsibility for Fees

Participants are responsible for any taxes, duties, or additional costs related to reward redemption.

27. Consent for Information Use

By participating, entrants consent to the Organiser’s use of their information for advertising or campaign-related purposes. Consent can be withdrawn by contacting the Organiser.

28. Right to Amend

The Organiser reserves the right to change any terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.