Toshiba's Front Load Washer is built around providing hygiene to you and your family with features such as Steam, UFB, Drum Clean and Anti bacteria gasket.
The science of washing requires an intuitive combination of water flow and suitable turbulence. Unique to Toshiba washers, GreatWaves uses an s-type paddle, crystal inner drum, larger drum diameter and intuitive machine control to deliver meticulous and innovative actions. The technology generates a perfect washing action to break and remove stubborn stains while maintaining the quality of your fabric.
Ultra Fine Bubble
Nano-sized bubbles penetrate into fabric fibers to remove the deepest stains, bacteria and residues, thus to achieve the best deep cleaning
Origin Inverter
The origin inverter motor works 10% quieter than universal motor and also leads to 67% more energy saving
For a cleaner, safer and more hygienic washing experience, the Anti-Bacteria Gasket technology in Toshiba washers is designed to efficiently inhibit bacteria growth, ensuring that every load of laundry is as clean as it can be.
Drum Sterilization
High temprature and flush flow can effectively clean the inner and outer drum, keeping it away from the secondary pollution.
Because small details can make a big difference, thoughtful technology is designed to ensure maximum efficiency and positive results. An inbuilt detergent mixer that dissolves detergents with water and dispenses a fine particle mix into the wash cycle, Cyclone Mix improves the wash performance by up to 20%.
The steam function is activated to have the inner drum temperature raised and the water flows penetrated deep into fabric fibers leading to 99.99% sterilizing * and fabric deodorizing